BE Job Search Savvy 101: Sneak Peak!

✨ Do you want to know the Job Search Secret?? ✨ 

It’s BE Job Search Savvy 101!! The newest @becareerdevelopment course coming soon, helping you reframe:

  1. 9 Job Search Misconceptions + Myths that hold you back by

  2. Replacing these with 9 Clarifying + Empowering Mindset Truths and 

  3. 10 Core Job Search Best Practices, including countless healthy coping + self-care techniques 

~ But what exactly is a Job Search myth? ~

• Ever feel rejected after not landing an interview or offer?

• Ever screen-yourself-out from your dream job bc you don’t feel qualified enough to apply??? (Hello gaslighting + Imposter Syndrome!)

• Ever felt exhausted by submitting application after application all to no avail?

These are job search myths. Or rather, the actions + thoughts that lead to disempowering feelings which cause self-doubt, disengagement, + energy drain.

✨ I know how to reframe + replace all of these in order to energize + empower ✨ 

  1. Being a successful career pivot’er who had to shift jobs 4 times in 4 years due to the labor market —

  2. A successful career grower who negotiated 100% over promotion offer while navigating her own multiple, invisible disabilities and then obtaining a 47% pay raise (!) moving onto a new organization and

  3. Having been a Career Advisor + Mindset Career Coach for over 10 yrs who’s literally supported 1,000’s of job seekers + career developers … even helping 1 career pivot’er become promoted within 1 year …

✨ I simply know what it takes ✨ 

And I know …

🌱 The moves YOU need to make in order to land that high-quality fit … sooner! 

🌱 For quality work 

💗 With quality of life 

So are you ready to BE Excellent • BE Energized • BE Endlessly You! all on your own time???

Email to learn more because Career Investments Make a Difference • our Intro Offer gets that paycheck in your pocket sooner ✨ 

Barbara Ellen Leicht

Barbara Ellen Leicht, MSEd, is a Mindset Career Coach with 12+ years of expertise. She leverages a strengths-based, person-centered approach to delivering research-backed Corporate Trainings and virtual Career Coaching. Barbara has empowered 1,000’s of job seekers and career pivot’ers.

In 2024, Barbara helped job seekers negotiate $50k in increased income and land jobs in a fraction-of-the-time it typically takes. Specializing in career pivots, she is recognized for:

Mindset Career Coaching

10 Core Job Search Best Practices

5 Secrets to Resume Writing Excellence

Natural Networking + Strategic Interviewing

Next Level Negotiating

Barbara’s philosophy—BE Excellent • BE Energized • BE Endlessly You—emphasizes quality fit, for quality work, with quality-of-life. Cheers to being your best you! ✨


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