Book a Career Consult

~ $30, 30 minutes ~ 

Opportunities await. Let’s chat!
~ because
career investments make a difference ~

With highly customized career services, we meet + consult 1st. Career Consults are suited to individuals pursuing an entire career pivot, seeking new opportunities, or enhancing—even advancing—within your current role, as well as small + local businesses looking for customized staff development and career consultation.

Let’s get to know:

  1. Each Other: ensuring a quality fit is key. If BE Career Development isn’t the one, I can make recommendations toward an array of services.

  2. Your Career Goals & Values: goals are what you’ve been achieving all along + values are how we make decisions. Sometimes, we’re not aware of them. BE Career Consult takes a holistic approach to help clarify these foundations.

  3. Next Steps: when BE Career Development is the right fit for you, we chat next steps! There are a number of Career Coaching Packages to help you stay accountable + empowered within your quality career development.

~ Cheers to being your best you! ✨ ~