BEcome Comfortable With Networking!: Define it on Your Own Terms

🌱 What Makes You a Competitive Candidate?? 🌱

Did you know …

It’s ✨ not ✨ having 100% of the recommended job qualifications??


✨ That’s a job search myth + one we bust in the e-course BE Job Search Savvy 101. In fact, studies have shown that successful candidates apply when meeting 60% of recommended job qualifications. In 2014, Harvard Business Review (HBR) wrote an article on this. In 2019, LinkedIn continued the conversation

So … what makes you the most competitive candidate??

✨ Networking!! 

We had a great conversation on this during our Nazareth University Alumni lunch + learn Zoom workshop last week. BECD has another virtual workshop coming right up this Thursday from 12-1pm EST. All career developers and jobseekers welcome!

Also, networking is especially helpful if you are navigating a career pivot

#ProTip to get you started: don’t like the word networking?? Call it something else! Relationship building, connecting, socializing … call it something that works for, encourages, + inspires you.

Interested in more?

🌱 register by 11am EST on Thursday 2.29 🌱

📸: @sig__mund from Unsplash

Barbara Ellen Leicht

Mindset Career Coach Barbara Ellen Leicht, MSEd (she/her) has 10+ years’ expertise as a Career Advisor + Coach, Facilitator, and Program Manager. She is a successful career pivoter herself, who transforms invisible disabilities into superpowers and empowers diverse professionals within various industries. Barbara specializes in: career pivots + career development as well as corporate trainings + micro-small business growth. With her MS in Inclusive Adolescent Education (MSEd) from Nazareth University and studies at NYU and Teachers College Columbia University + PITT, Barbara leverages a very unique, person-centered, strengths-based, inclusive approach. She works with individuals + businesses by customizing strategies to career goals, values, learning, and communication styles.


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